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Crystalline Helper

Crystalline Helper
A Mod for Celeste.


Miscellaneous objects focused on crystals?

A helper mod, focusing on adding cool new crystals. These were going to be used in my mappack, but I got too lazy to work on that, so I'm releasing these publicly.

For bug reports or feature requests, check out our issues page or contact the Communal Helper team.

Time Crystal: A crystal that, when touched, stops time for every other entity! Looks pretty cool, I think. Also, has an alternative form that only unfreezes time when you run out of dashes.

Fill Crystal: Simple crystal that gives you the ability to dash if you don't already have it.

Star Crystal: When used, it grants the player invincibility, infinite dashes and infinite stamina for a short period of time. And gives them rainbow hair.

Tele Crystal: Instantly teleports the player as far as they can go in the direction it's pointing. This has the potential to freeze the game if the player never gets stopped, so be careful.

No Dash, No Grab, No Jump Triggers: Triggers that prevent you from performing the associated action when you are inside of them.

Player Timestop Trigger: When the player enters this, they get frozen in time. They can still be pushed around though!

Keyberry: A berry that, when collected, will open any doors nearby. A 1-up will unlock every door in the room.

Reset Door Trigger: When entered, it will respawn all doors in the level, and the keys or keyberries that opened them.

Custom Prologue Bridge and Activator: A customizable collapsing bridge! You can control the order they fall in, how long between each bridge, and how fast the bridges collapse.

Locked Intro Car: I hope you didn't lock your keys inside.

Custom Wind Trigger: A fully customizable wind creator. You can control the horizontal and vertical speed, create wind cycles, and other cool things.

Custom Wind Snow: Custom snow to go with your custom wind. Choose colors, amount, and visual speed. Note that only custom wind snow visually indicates diagonal wind, so if you wanna do that, use this.

Bumper Booster: A custom booster that launches you like a bumper when you exit it.

Trigger Trigger: A trigger that can activate other designated triggers, based on many different possible conditions! Can be chained with several trigger triggers to make chain reactions, or create a loop of 2 or more triggers cycling between each other. As of version 1.8.0, it also comes with several possible activation conditions, allowing for intricate contraptions based on any number of player actions. I take suggestions too, feel free to ping me and I'll see what I can add!

Timed Fade Trigger: Functioning similarly to a Trigger Trigger, this allows you to make a directional fade trigger (for example, a Light Fade Trigger) fade from one value to the other over a specified amount of time instead of being based on position.

Force Dash Crystal: Another crystal, this one being a forced dash in a specific direction (or any direction). Optionally doesn't cost a dash, and works even in dashless levels.

Force Jump Crystal: Similar to Force Dash Crystal, but causes a midair jump instead of a dash. Works with speed tech such as hypers / supers / wallbounces / demohypers if you dash into it as well.

Edit Depth Trigger: A simple trigger that will change the depth of the specified entities that are colliding with it. Comes with a simple debug function to help usage.

Bloom Strength Trigger: It's just a bloom fade trigger, but affects bloom strength instead of bloom base. Surprised no one's done it already.

Set Flag Sequence On Spawn Controller: Based on max480's Set Flag On Spawn Controller, but sets a series of flags between 2 numbers all to a specific state (see tooltips for more details). Useful for if you have a lot of flags for a specific purpose in one room (eg. for camera).

Cancel Time Stop Crystal Trigger: Simply cancels the effects of a Time Crystal.

Forcefield: A simple hazard that forms lines that will kill the player. Can have an arbitrary number of points, and can optionally fade in depending on player distance, or be toggled on a flag.

The helper now also features several entities from the Flusheline Community Collab, including multiple that never got used in the collab itself!

Bumper Block: A Kevin-like entity that gives the player a bumper boost when hit with a dash.

Cassette Flag Controller: Allows you to enable and use flags based on the current cassette cycle.

Custom Fake Heart: Not as custom as the Femto Helper one in terms of visuals, but provides some options for them to impact gameplay, such as toggling core mode when dashed into, or customizing how many dashes the player receives when breaking one.

Custom Moving Touch Switch: A version of Outback Helper's moving touch switches that allows you to enable a flag, customize how it moves, and change its colors, which I know sounds very similar to the max480 version of the entity, but this one is ever so slightly more custom. Also contains compatibility with some other mechanics in this helper.

Custom Pufferfish: Allows you to change the radius, angle, speed, sprite, color, and lots of other stuff about the pufferfish! It also inherently supports becoming a holdable, and I'm not quite sure why.

Deadly Dash Switch: A version of the temple dash switches that will kill you if you are not dashing into it, preventing standing on it.

Energy Booster: A booster that will preserve all of the player's speed as they enter it, allowing them to reverse and redirect their momentum!

Fast Bounce Block: Simply a bounce block where its movements are a bit faster.

Flag Crystal: A holdable that will enable a flag while it's being held. Can optionally contain Theo inside it.

Flag Kevin: A Kevin that will start charging once a flag is enabled. It can also optionally detect when it's in rising / sandwich lava, and slow down if it is.

Interactive Badeline Chaser: A Badeline Chaser that will perform every action the player makes, physically interacting with all entities as it does so! This entity is super super cool I really hope people use it. Can optionally be mirrored across the room, allowing for some interesting puzzle applications as well.

Paired Dash Switch: Temple dash switches that only allow one in a group to be pressed at a time; when another switch is pressed, the original becomes unpressed (giving momentum as it does!).

SMW Checkpoint: A checkpoint bar from Super Mario World. Functions like a Summit checkpoint, updating the player's respawn point when activated.

Temple Gate (All Switches): A variant of a temple gate that will only open once every dash switch in the room has been pressed.

Trigger Beam: A beam that functions similarly to a trigger trigger, activating other triggers when entered. The beam can be blocked by any solid, can attach to other solids, and can be toggled with a flag.

Bomb Timer Trigger: A trigger that will start a bomb countdown; if the countdown reaches 0 before the player successfully reaches a designated end trigger, the player will die. Across multiple rooms, it will function similarly to a golden when it kills the player, bringing them back to the original start point of the timer.

Drop Holdable Trigger: A trigger that will force the player to drop any holdable they may be holding if they enter it.

Dash Code Controller: From the Strawberry Jam map "Pointless Machines", this allows you to define a dash code that, when followed, will activate a flag for each respective dash in the sequence!

Room Name Controller: Adds a VVVVVV-style room name UI for a room!

Room Name Trigger: Similar to the controller, but allows you to change the room name at a specific region (allows eg. having multiple names for a single room).
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